Seth Leishman


Janet Ray

Data Analyst Manager

Janet joined Ostrofe Financial Consultants (OFC) in October of 2006.  She began in Administration, moved her way up to Data Research Analyst, and in March of 2018 was promoted to Data Analyst Manager.  Janet enjoys working with the clients at OFC as many consider her a friend with whom they feel comfortable sharing their life events.

Clients review their investments each year, and before client’s review, Janet is the main contact to gather financial data. She then uses that information to create a Confidential Financial Analysis (CFA), specifically tailored to each individual client. 

Janet was born and raised in California, spending her elementary years in Sonora and high school years in Tehachapi. Janet’s two older children have graduated from one of our local High Schools (Bear River) and her youngest son attends elementary school in Grass Valley.  Janet enjoys attending church, listening to music, reading, gardening, and yard sales. But Janet’s greatest passions are her children, spending time with her husband, and her cheering on her favorite football team, the 49ers!